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5 Tips for Reversing Prediabetes

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reversing prediabetes

You must’ve heard that diabetes is a life-long disease. But what if we tell you that reversing prediabetes and diabetes is possible!

Yes, reversing prediabetes and diabetes is scientifically possible. However, you have to consult your doctor once.

Reversal protocol is NOT recommended for people with— advanced renal insufficiency, pancreatitis, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, hyperchylomicronemia, cancer, eating disorders, Type-1 diabetes, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Conditions that require caution: Individuals suffering from Hypertension, Gallbladder Removal, Decreased Kidney Function, Kidney Stones and Gout shall require special care and caution. Consult with your diabetes care coach and doctor. For a smooth reversal process, you should follow the below-mentioned tips and stay consistent with them.

Why Reverse Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is a condition marked by slightly raised blood glucose levels that are thought to indicate a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. This means, if left untreated, prediabetes can potentially lead to Type 2 diabetes.

High blood sugar is caused by a chronic health problem in which your body is unable to absorb glucose effectively for metabolism. Diabetic problems range from stroke and heart attack to kidney failure, tissue damage, blindness, and a slew of life-threatening infections if left untreated.

Hence, it’s crucial to control prediabetes at an early stage!

In order to track your prediabetes, always carry a glucometer. Monitor your blood glucose regularly. Monitoring blood sugar levels allows you to see if you’re hitting your glucose goals, which can help you avoid long-term diabetic issues and avoid the unpleasant symptoms of high and low blood sugar.

Essential Tips to Follow for Reversing Prediabetes

weighing machine

Try to Lose Your Weight

Obesity puts you at risk for various health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer.

It’s also linked to poor insulin sensitivity, which can accelerate the progression of prediabetes into type 2 diabetes. Hence, you should try to reduce your weight with the help of professional trainers, after consulting with your doctor.

It’s not always simple to stick to a weight-loss routine. Consider joining exercise classes that suit you well.

dry fruits

Include Fiber in Your Diet

Fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and it can also help you manage your weight better. High-fibre foods are usually filling and have a low glycemic index (GI), which means they can help you manage your appetite and have a lower impact on your blood glucose levels than other foods. Diabetes management relies heavily on diet.

A fiber-rich diet is especially important for controlling hunger and blood sugar levels. If you have any additional questions about how to incorporate more fibre into your diet, consult your health coach. They can make recommendations based on your specific health objectives.

low gi food

Avoid High Glycemic Index Foods

Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) quickly raise blood sugar and can cause health problems if consumed in excess. A low GI diet may aid in the prevention and management of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

A low GI diet can also be used to help people lose weight as part of a healthy eating plan. Include non-starchy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and seafood in your diet.

women smiling

Avoid Stress and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can interfere with your sleeping patterns. Depression can lead to overeating or less eating. People tend to smoke and drink more when they are depressed.

Furthermore, stress can have an impact on your insulin and blood sugar levels, eventually leading to diabetes. Hence, in order to have a healthy body, you should first aim to get a healthy mind. Keep yourself motivated.

Join our BeatO Diabetes Care Programs to control and reverse* diabetes with experts.

*Reversal is not a cure!

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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