6 Health Tips to Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels in Summer
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6 Health Tips to Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels in Summer

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Maintain your blood sugar levels in summer

Diabetes management during the scorching heat requires certain changes in your routine in order to ensure that you do not get exhausted and maintain your blood sugar levels. Managing your medication, insulin, etc., is particularly important to remain fit and active despite the heat.

Moreover, staying hydrated is the most significant aspect of dealing with the effect of heat on blood glucose levels of diabetes management. Dehydration, however, can be the most dangerous thing in managing diabetes.

Symptoms for Heat Exhaustion

It is important to understand the symptoms of diabetes management. These symptoms are particularly visible when one exercises or is at the workplace. Excessive sweating due to high temperatures and overheating of the body may create complications for patients with chronic conditions. As part of diabetes management or even overall health, it is compulsory to replenish the lost water from your body with adequate water.


  • Feeling of dizziness and fatigue as if about to faint
  • Excessive sweating
  • Cold, moist skin with goosebumps when exposed to heat
  • Muscular cramps
  • Weak, rapid heartbeat and pulse
  • Headache
  • Nausea

Steps to Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels in Summer

Tips to maintain your blood sugar levels

Heat exhaustion is the starting of a possible heat stroke, which can often turn fatal. The following steps can be taken to avoid these:

  1. Find a shaded place and take a rest. An air-conditioned room is also a good option, but make sure there is no sudden shift as it may result in drastic body temperature fluctuations. Lie down on your back with your legs in an elevated position.
  2. Cool fluids instantly relieve body heat and dehydration. Avoid alcohol at all costs, as it will quickly dehydrate you again.
  3. Taking a shower is also extremely helpful.
  4. Loosen your clothing to breathe easily and let sweating and heat pass out.
  5. Opt for a cooler environment to exercise, like an air-conditioned gym, or shift your timings to early morning or late evening when the weather is cooler.
  6. It is important to get your eyes tested regularly. People with diabetes tend to have pre-existing retinopathy, which is worsened by the heat and makes the eyes sensitive to infection.

Read More: All About Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Precautions for Diabetic Neuropathy

What is diabetic neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in diabetes that damages the nerves. High blood sugar levels can cause severe damage to your body, especially your legs and feet.

As part of diabetes care, it is important for people who suffer from diabetic neuropathy to keep the following in mind for proper foot care in diabetes:

  • Avoid remaining in environments with temperatures more than 85-90°F.
  • Wear shoes that protect your feet adequately. Excessive sweat in the feet can make them more prone to yeast, fungal infections, blisters, open sores, etc.
  • If you feel numb at the soles of your feet, refrain from wearing flip-flops or open sandals. These block the airflow and also fail to provide sufficient support to your feet.

The most important thing is to always check your blood sugar levels by using a compact glucometer and following a healthy diet to beat the heat. These readings can be recorded and stored in the diabetes management app, which is synced with the glucometer.

Download the BeatO App if you are looking for a SMART diabetes monitoring platform to manage your blood sugar levels.

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