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Nutritional And Health Benefits of Ragi(Finger Millet)

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Nutritional And Health Benefits of Ragi(Finger Millet)

Here, we’ll talk about the health benefits of Ragi, which is widely grown and consumed by the people of Africa and India. It has been a most nutritious cereal and has been included in numerous traditional diets due to its high nutrient content. The scientific name for the Ragi is Eleusine coracana. Moreover, it is becoming well-known throughout the world for its remarkable nutritional makeup and well-being benefits.

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Being rich in vital elements such as fibre, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, Ragi has several benefits that improve overall health. Ragi is a great source for a balanced diet because of its nutritional qualities, which include promoting a healthy heart and weight loss management. Let’s explore the benefits of Ragi and the ways that this ancient grain boosts health and nutrition.

Nutritional Value of Ragi Per 100gm

Calories354 kcal
Total Fat3.4g
Saturated Fat0.7g
Polyunsaturated Fat2g
Dietary Fiber2.7g

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Health Benefits of Ragi

Here are some of the benefits of Ragi you need to know about:

1. Great Nutritional Source

Ragi is a great source of calcium and vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and promotes bone health. Moreover, it is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. It also reduces bone-related risks ( osteoporosis ).

2. Diabetes Management

It has been proven that the regular consumption of Ragi in your diet will reduce the risk of diabetes. However, the polyphenols and the dietary fibres present in the Ragi aid in maintaining sugar levels in the blood. Those who have diabetes will benefit from Ragi since it makes blood sugar management easier.

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3. Great for Heart Health

Ragi is a nutritious cereal and is very beneficial for regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy heart functioning. In addition, it is rich in antioxidant properties and contains amino acids and unsaturated fats. Ragi’s high iron content helps to enhance lower haemoglobin levels and treat anaemia. Additionally, this natural iron source present in Ragi contains vitamin C, which aids in the iron’s quicker absorption.

4. Weight Loss Management

Ragi is full of fibres that keep the stomach full and slow down the digestion rate. Moreover, it keeps you away from unwanted cravings, which makes it an ideal option for weight loss management. In addition, the Ragi contains the amino acid, which lessens your appetite, preventing frequent feelings of hunger.

5. Prevents Hair Loss

Protein-rich ragi aids in preventing hair loss. For those experiencing hair loss, it comes highly recommended. Since protein makes up hair, you need a lot of it for your hair. Your hair’s primary protein is called keratin. Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of protein; nevertheless, ragi can fortify hair and lessen hair loss.

How To Consume Ragi?

In South India, masala dosas are an all-time favourite, however, it becomes healthier if you use Ragi flour. All you need to do is ferment the batter overnight and utilise it to make ragi idlis or dosas. Next, Ragi Halwa must be consumed to lose weight effectively, and it may be the best alternative for people with sweet cravings. Lastly, Ragi laddu can be added to the diet. For that, you have to roast ragi flour in ghee until it releases a nutty aroma. You can add powdered cardamom, jaggery, and nuts, then shape the mixture into a small laddus.

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In summary, the Health Benefits of Ragi are excellent as it is a nutritious cereal and is very valuable for maintaining good health. We hope you liked these health benefits of Ragi, and by now, you may consider incorporating it into your regular diet. Furthermore, Ragi can be used to make cakes, biscuits, and multigrain rotis. Keep in mind its high consumption could raise the amount of oxalic acid in the body.

Disclaimer:The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. BeatoApp does not claim responsibility for this information .

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Anuja Koul

Anuja Koul

A passionate, creative writer and researcher. I found that writing allowed me to express myself in ways that I couldn't have otherwise. I have tried my hands on different writing genres, but I ultimately discovered that healthcare and wellness are my areas of expertise.

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