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Best Sugar Free Energy Drinks Available In India

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sugar free energy drinks

Energy drinks are drinks meant to give a person a boost in energy when their energy level is dwindling. Besides being a quick fix to dehydration and fatigue, these drinks help improve alertness and focus in people who consume energy drinks.

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Typically, energy drinks contain sugar along with other stimulants to revive energy levels. But with more people looking for healthy alternatives, many brands now market sugar-free versions of energy drinks. These zero-sugar drinks usually have artificial sweeteners as additives to give their drink a likeable taste. Want to explore some of the best sugar free energy drinks available in Indian markets? Find them below!

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7 Sugar Free Energy Drinks To Boost Your Day!

1. Ounce Smart Energy Drink Mix

Ounce Smart Energy Drink Mix

Available in four distinct flavours in a combo pack, Ounce Smart Energy Drink Mix is a perfect blend to boost your energy levels at any time during the day. Each sachet is filled with the goodness of vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, and a touch of 40 mg of caffeine to give you the kick you need to keep going. Consuming this energy drink can also improve your focus, elevate your mood, and support your immune system.

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Enjoy this sugar-free drink by stirring the contents of the sachet in 250–300 ml of cold water. Have no more than two sachets a day to stick to the recommended dose of this energy drink.

2. Red Bull Energy Drink Sugar Free

Red Bull Energy Drink Sugar Free

A popular energy drink among athletes and busy professionals, Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink, has been in the market since 1987. The main energy-inducing ingredient in Red Bull is caffeine. Each can of 250 ml contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is around the same amount as found in a cup of instant coffee. Since the drink contains no sugar, it gets its sweet taste from artificial sweeteners like sucralose and acesulfame K.

With only 8 calories in a can, this energy drink can be a good choice for health-conscious adults who are looking for a sugar-free option to satiate their thirst and maintain their energy levels.

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3. Healthvit Energize Electrolytes Energy Drink

Healthvit Energize Electrolytes Energy Drink

Prepare a glass of refreshing beverage with Health Vit’s Energize Electrolytes Energy Drink (comes in a tablet form). All you need to do is simply drop one tablet in a glass (200 ml) of water, wait for the effervescence to stop, and enjoy. No stirring needed! In addition to being a sugar-free formulation, the tablet also contains important nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The tablets come in an easy-to-carry container, which you can easily drop inside your gym bag and prepare a pick-me-up drink whenever you need an energy boost or to replenish the lost fluid and electrolytes after a rigorous gym session.

4. Wellcore – Electrolytes

Wellcore – Electrolytes

Energy drinks can be either caffeine-based or contain no caffeine. Wellcore Electrolytes is a non-caffeine-based electrolyte powder that provides instant hydration and aids in recovery. The powder is available in a large 200 g container and is free from added sugar. It can help you maximise performance by preventing sudden bouts of fatigue.

The powder comes in an orange flavour, so you can enjoy a tangy and flavourful drink every single time. The best part of Wellcore Electrolytes is that it does not produce effects like jitters or sudden energy crashes that may occur after the consumption of caffeine-infused energy drinks.

5. Friska Nutraceuticals Fresh Sip Sugar Free Energy Drink

Friska Nutraceuticals Fresh Sip Sugar Free Energy Drink

The next product on our list of sugar free energy drinks is the one by Friska Neutraceuticals. Their “Fresh Sip” energy drink comes in powder form and is packed with vitamins like A, E, and C and minerals such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium. As the powder contains no sugar, it has added artificial sweeteners like sucralose and maltodextrin to elevate its taste and make the drink enjoyable.

The product is vegetarian-friendly, so people following this diet regimen can consume it without a problem. Moreover, the drink has a very low glycemic index (32), so it might be a good choice for those who do not want unnecessary spikes in their blood sugar levels.

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6. Monster Ultra Energy Drink – Zero Sugar

Monster Ultra Energy Drink - Zero Sugar

The next in line is the Monster Ultra Zero Sugar Energy Drink. Like Red Bull, this one too is a caffeine-based product and has more caffeine content than the previous product. The drink also has added B vitamins and taurine, an amino acid that has important functions in the brain and heart.

Monster has many varieties of energy drinks, but the sugar-free version is for those who watch out for their calorie intake. Available in most departmental stores, this drink comes in a 350 ml can and has a smooth, delectable flavour.

7. Enerzal ZERO Hydration Drink

Enerzal ZERO Hydration Drink

Another no-caffeine and zero-calorie option to provide an instant energy boost is the Enerzal Zero Hydration Drink. It has five vital electrolytes—sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride—to maintain the body’s electrolyte balance and prevent muscle cramps during and after physical activity.

The drink is available in an easy-to-carry bottle and has a delicious orange flavour. It is perfect for curbing dehydration on a hot summer day and refuelling your body after a heavy-duty workout.

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Are Sugar Free Energy Drinks Suitable for Diabetic Individuals?

If you are someone with diabetes and are wondering if you can have sugar free energy drinks safely, then let us inform you that there is no definitive answer to this. The reason behind this is that diabetes affects every individual differently. So, some may be able to consume these drinks without a problem, while others may not.

Usually, any sugar-free version is considered okay for diabetic individuals, but one must take into account the other ingredients in these drinks as well. Especially, sugar free energy drinks with caffeine may or may not suit people with diabetes and can cause an unnecessary spike in blood sugar levels.

A study also found that consumption of sugar/ no sugar energy drinks can induce metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

So, the best bet to enjoy an energy drink as a diabetic is to choose a product that is sugar-free and has no or very little caffeine in it. Your doctor can be your best guide and suggest which sugar free energy drink is safe for you.

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In Conclusion

Sugar free energy drinks are curated to replenish electrolytes, provide hydration, and boost energy. Individuals consuming energy drinks mostly fall into the categories of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, busy professionals, and students.

Energy drinks may or may not have caffeine as a stimulant, and these are best enjoyed in moderation. Children, pregnant women, and lactating women should completely refrain from having energy drinks. As studies have mixed reviews about the possible adverse effects of energy drinks (sugar and no sugar), talking to your doctor about their consumption can give you a clear idea about whether these drinks are advisable for you or not.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Beato App does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Akhil Taneja

Akhil Taneja

Health & Wellness Connoisseur and Growth Marketing Expert, I am a passionate health enthusiast and an advocate for holistic health. With my expertise in tech and love for helping others achieve optimal well-being, I am delivering insightful content to help readers achieve their health and fitness goals.

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