9 Incredible Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds - Diabetes Blog
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9 Incredible Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds

benefits of watermelon seeds

Watermelon is a classic summer fruit. It hydrates the body and provides several nutrients that help the body keep going in hot weather. Though most people enjoy the red, juicy flesh of the fruit, it’s the seeds that people often get rid of while enjoying the fruit. We cannot blame them because not many know that watermelon seeds are also packed with vitamins and minerals. When included in the daily diet, these seeds can provide essential nutrients and help keep the body fit and healthy.

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Ready to learn about the different health benefits of watermelon seeds.

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What Are the Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds?

Watermelon seeds can be a healthy addition to anyone’s diet. These low-calorie but nutrient-rich seeds offer the following health benefits:

Enhanced Immunity

If you are prone to falling sick very often or getting those coughs and colds quickly, you could benefit from adding watermelon seeds to your diet. Zinc is an important nutrient to support immune function, and watermelon seeds contain a good amount of it. You can get around 4% of the nutrient’s daily value by consuming around 4 grams of seeds. So, don’t hesitate to eat watermelon seeds if you want to boost your immunity.

Improved Heart Health

Benefits of Watermelon seeds also help you with a healthy heart. The seeds are a good source of mono and polyunsaturated fats, which are known to improve cardiovascular function by decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Plus, the magnesium present in these seeds helps maintain optimal blood pressure and ensures a healthy heart.

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Reduced Inflammation

Owing to the presence of antioxidants, watermelon seeds are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. Regular intake of these seeds can reduce inflammation in the body and can be especially helpful in managing inflammatory lung conditions like asthma.

Supports the Nervous System

Proper functioning of the nervous system depends on the presence of several nutrients in the right amounts in the body. Two of them are zinc and vitamin B, both of which are found in watermelon seeds. These nutrients ensure the proper functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain and help keep the nervous system healthy. They can also reduce stress and anxiety and improve a person’s mood and happiness quotient.

Healthier Skin

Another benefit of eating watermelon seeds is healthy skin. Again, zinc plays a vital role here. It encourages collagen formation, prevents fine lines and wrinkles, and regulates oil production to promote clear and healthy skin. In addition, the magnesium present in the seeds helps in cellular repair and protects the skin from the damaging effects of cortisol.

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Stronger Bones

Individuals with weak bones and conditions like osteoporosis are also good candidates to take advantage of the benefits of watermelon seeds. The presence of essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium makes these seeds fit for being included in a diet meant to strengthen weak bones.

Hair Growth

Lucky are the people who have a healthy scalp and luscious hair. For others who just dream about it, watermelon seeds can come to the rescue. These seeds are a rich source of iron, proteins, and other minerals essential for providing hair strength and promoting growth. You may even notice reduced hair fall after having watermelon seeds consistently in your daily diet.

Better Digestion

Bowel movements are important to get waste and toxins out of the body. One of the main components of food that promotes regular and smooth bowel movements is fibre. Consuming a decent amount of fibre can facilitate digestion and the movement of waste out of the body. As watermelon seeds are full of fibre, you can notice an improvement in digestion and relief from issues like constipation and other tummy troubles.

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Regulated Blood Glucose Levels

Diabetic individuals, or those with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes can take advantage of the benefits of watermelon seeds. Magnesium plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism, and studies show that its supplementation may help people with diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar levels. As watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium, there is a high probability that their mineral content will support people with diabetes in managing their sugar levels more effectively.

In Conclusion

Seeds are tiny and power-packed with health-promoting nutrients. And watermelon seeds are no different. Filled with the goodness of zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, and other nutrients, these seeds can support health in multiple ways. They can improve your heart health, ensure better glycemic control, make your bones stronger, give you thick, strong hair, and do a lot more.

So, don’t throw away the seeds next time you eat a watermelon. If you want to reap the benefits of watermelon seeds, roast them in a pan or place them in an oven evenly spread on a baking sheet for 10–15 minutes. The crispy seeds will serve as a great snack option when you need a little something to munch on. Or, add them to your smoothies or cereal bowls to ensure a healthy start to the day!

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1. What quantity of watermelon seeds can I eat every day?

If you want to eat watermelon seeds, remember that you must eat them in moderation. Typically, you can eat about 20–30 grams of the seeds daily without a problem.

2. Are watermelon seeds safe for consumption?

While there is no harm in eating watermelon seeds, some people may experience gastrointestinal discomfort or constipation. Also, eating too many seeds at a time can upset your digestive system due to excessive fibre consumption.

3. Can I eat black watermelon seeds?

Yes, you can eat both white and black watermelon seeds. Black seeds are mature and can grow into a new plant. Whereas white seeds are hollow shells that did not mature.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. BeatoApp does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Akhil Taneja

Akhil Taneja

Health & Wellness Connoisseur and Growth Marketing Expert, I am a passionate health enthusiast and an advocate for holistic health. With my expertise in tech and love for helping others achieve optimal well-being, I am delivering insightful content to help readers achieve their health and fitness goals.

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