Ashutosh M.- “My HbA1c dropped from 11.5% to 7.5% with BeatO.”


27 years , New Delhi
Software Developer
Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 

Ashutosh Mishra, a 27-year-old software developer, lives alone in Delhi due to his job. He was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in March 2023. Upon diagnosis, he felt he was too young to have developed this condition.

“Living alone in Delhi makes it very difficult to follow a fixed diet plan or routine. I juggle my work schedule with household responsibilities. My desk job requires me to sit for 9 hours a day, making diabetes care challenging for me. I urgently needed a treatment suited to my lifestyle and work schedule.”

Controlling Diabetes can be particularly challenging due to the need for consistent self-care. It also includes medication management, monitoring blood glucose levels, maintaining a balanced diet, and fitting in physical activity.

Early Diagnosis And Treatment

He discussed his initial symptoms and treatment plan with us. He shared, “I was experiencing extreme lethargy and constant fatigue. Realising this was unusual, I decided to get tested. That’s when I discovered I have Type 2 Diabetes. My family was very anxious and stressed upon hearing the news; they thought I was too young to develop this condition.”

Also Read – Rushali Ramane’s HbA1c came down from 10.8% to 5.9% with BeatO. 

After feeling anxious about his diagnosis, he decided to seek immediate treatment. “I consulted a local doctor, who prescribed medication and advised me to strictly monitor my diet. Despite following all the instructions, I didn’t see any improvement in my sugar levels.”

Introduction To BeatO Diabetes Care Program

He joined the BeatO Diabetes Care Program in November 2023. He was in cont

“Initially I thought that I would not be able to follow a particular diet plan. My coach Anamika Kashyap suggested easy recipes and all the ingredients were easily available. She also suggested that I go on a 30-40 minute walk everyday. 

The change that I liked the best was that I was asked to do meditation as a part of my routine. She told me that it would also help me get my stress levels under control.”

Also Read – Rajendar Singh’s post-meal reading came down from 230 mg/dL to 135 mg/dL with BeatO. 

“Earlier I had a lot of misconceptions about diabetes. I thought that sweet corn would also be suitable for my diabetes diet. My health coach helped me identify the right foods and she also explained everything about glycemic control. Now I have a better understanding of what could lead to a spike in my sugar levels. She even lets me eat potatoes twice a week.”

My Health Coach Says

Anamika Kashyap is his health coach and she guided him on his diabetes care journey. She has shared his treatment plan with us.

Also Read – Champak Lal Jain’s fasting reading came down from 160 mg/dL to 108 mg/dL with BeatO. 

She shared, “Ashutosh works in the corporate sector and he was very irregular with his meal timings. Earlier, he also worked the night shift and indulged in a lot of unhealthy snacking. His dietary habits coupled with his sedentary lifestyle were the reasons behind his development of Type 2 Diabetes.”

“Initially, he wasn’t able to accept that he had developed Diabetes and he was even resistant towards incorporating the changes in his daily routine. Gradually, he started making the suggested changes. I asked him to include a lot of fibre in his diet and also improve his meal timings. 

“Earlier he was very fond of eating Samosas and other fried foods as evening snacks. I asked him to replace that with Ragi Chips, Sprouted Moong and Makhanas. These small changes have helped him control his sugar levels.
Along with that,I had asked him to increase his physical activity. Now he makes sure that he goes on a 30 minute walk after dinner everyday. He also practises meditation to keep his stress levels under control.”

“He has seen remarkable improvements with BeatO. Now his sugar levels have reduced and he also feels more energised.”

My Doctor Says

Dr. Prashant Dixit guided him on his diabetes care journey. He shares his treatment plan with us. 

“Mr. Mishra wasn’t experiencing any Diabetes-related symptoms when he joined our program. Initially, he was prescribed a high dosage of medication to bring his sugar levels under control. As he began to improve, we gradually reduced his dosage. Now, his sugar levels are stable, and he has also overcome chronic fatigue.”

“Medications alone cannot bring about significant improvements in a person’s diabetes condition. Mr. Mishra’s progress is also a result of his commitment to his diet plan and exercise routine. He has shown great dedication to following his plan and has improved his previous unhealthy habits. All of these factors have contributed to his progress towards optimal health.”

Impact On My Diabetes Markers

Only within a few months, Mr. Mishra was able to witness a change in his sugar levels and his overall health. He says, “My energy levels have increased and I no longer face chronic fatigue. Now I even stay motivated to make further improvements.”

HbA1c 11.5%7.5%
Fasting Reading 300 mg/dL100 mg/dL
Post-meal Reading380 mg/dL160 mg/dL

Why BeatO?

Ashutosh Mishra feels ecstatic after his improvements with the BeatO Care Program. He says “When I wasn’t on the Care Program, I used to spend three times the amount on my diabetes expenses. Now my expenses have come under control and controlling diabetes does not seem like a hassle to me anymore.” He describes BeatO as ‘Affordable & Effective Solution For Diabetes’. 

Also Read – Gautam Rawat’s weight came down from 75 kg to 62 kg with BeatO Diabetes Care Program. 

While controlling diabetes alone and with a demanding job is challenging, with careful planning, use of technology, and leveraging available support, individuals can effectively bring their sugar levels under control and maintain a good quality of life.

Want to book an online health coach for your diabetes diet plan? BeatO has got your back, try out BeatO diabetes care program right now.

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Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.