Fasting During Navratri: Types Of Fasts That A Diabetic Person Can Practice
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Can Diabetics Fast During Navratri?

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Can diabetics fast during navratri?

As Navratri is around the corner, many of us want to keep a fast as a way of paying our respect to the deities. Fasting is a common practice all throughout the Indian subcontinent. But it also raises the question of whether or not you can practice fasting being a diabetic. Let us find out!

Fasting During Navratri | Types Of Fasts That A Diabetic Person Can Practice

A diabetic person can practice the following types of fasts-

Intermittent Fasting

This is the most popular form of fasting. In this, you skip food for a set number of hours, and then you can start eating again. Intermittent fasting can be of two types-

Time-Restricted Eating

In this type of fasting, you eat all the prescribed number of calories during particular hours of the day. For example, if you have an eight-hour plan, you might eat your carbohydrates between 10 AM to 6 PM and then again you can eat carbohydrates the next day at 10 AM.

Alternate Day Fasting

This type of fasting works on the principle that you eat regular food on a particular day and less than 600 calories the next day. You repeat this pattern throughout the week. You can also follow the 5:2 pattern, where you eat regularly for five days a week and then eat between 500 and 800 calories in the next two days.

Intermittent fasting is generally chosen by overweight or middle-aged people. We still don’t know if it is appropriate for young people or people with healthy body weights. Before adopting any fasting method, you should always speak to your doctor or health coach.

Benefits Of Fasting For Diabetics During Navratri

Benefits Of Fasting For Diabetics During Navratri

Fasting can be beneficial for diabetics because of the following reasons-

-Reduces your HbA1c level

Fasting promotes weight loss and can also help lower your A1c level and risk of heart disease. However, it is not a recommended method for weight loss.

-Reduces your insulin dose

As per a study, people with Type 1 Diabetes were able to reduce their insulin dose by including fasting in their routine.

-Other Benefits

Apart from weight loss, fasting has other benefits for diabetics. It can help lower cholesterol levels, improve the way your body manages glucose, and reduce inflammation.

Risks Of Fasting For Diabetics

Risks Of Fasting For Diabetics

When you fast, it essentially means that you remain hungry for a long period of time. It may cause irritability and headache. Your body might not be able to get the required amount of nutrients it needs to sustain itself.

Fasting can also lead to a condition known as Hypoglycemia or prolonged low sugar levels. If you take insulin, your sugar levels can drop to a dangerously low level. The long-term effects of hypoglycemia include drowsiness and even coma.

When you break your fast, you must avoid overeating. Otherwise, you will develop Hyperglycemia or prolonged high sugar levels. You should also avoid indulgent in a large amount of carbohydrates while breaking your fast.

Read More- How To Celebrate A Diabetes-Friendly Dussehra

Take These Precautions Before You Try Fasting

If you wish to fast being a diabetic, you should take the following measures-

  • Stay hydrated
    • Watch out for the signs of Hypoglycemia
  • Be careful about what you eat after fasting

If you have any questions about fasting, you should always talk to your doctor or health coach. They can recommend a diet and let you know whether or not you can fast during Navratri.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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