Christmas Gifting Ideas for Diabetics: 7 Things You Can Gift
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Christmas Gifting Ideas for Diabetics: 7 Things You Can Gift

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Every December, we go through innumerable brainstorming and research to find the best Christmas gifting ideas for family and friends. This dilemma becomes ever tougher if your friends and family members are diabetic – you just cannot go wrong there. Buying a gift for someone with diabetes doesn’t have to be different than buying a gift for someone without diabetes. There are, however, certain gifts someone managing diabetes might appreciate more than others.

Christmas Gifting Ideas for People With Diabetes


Education is the most powerful tool which can help diabetics win over this lifestyle condition. An easy-to-understand and essential guide that anyone who takes insulin would appreciate. Also help them deal with the emotional trauma that diabetes brings along by gifting them a book that talks about emotional preparation for a life with diabetes.

managing diabetes socks

Foot Care Items

Best foot care is really the best gift for diabetics. Hence, comfortable shoes or professionally useful flats will serve as a great gift. One can also gift shoe vouchers to let the receiver have their own choice while buying. Add a pair of diabetes-friendly socks too, and foot care is done right!

Fitness Equipments

Fitness is another important aspect helpful in maintaining normal sugar levels. Promote and encourage them to adopt exercise for diabetes to prevent diabetes-related complications. You can gift them indoor workout equipment.

Workout/Yoga Membership Coupons

Group exercise classes are a great way to stay motivated for fitness and your friends and relatives will thank you for this as always. So gift them great health with great company to keep by gifting a membership for group exercise classes. For a more personal touch based on the receiver’s interests, a personal training session membership with a local gym will be another great fitness motivation.

Cooking Gadgets

Gadgets or small appliances for making their cooking convenient and less time consuming is a great way to de-stress them. Healthy cooking can be made easier by gifting them things like a hand blender etc.

diabetes management kit

Smartphone Glucometer

Gifting a smartphone glucometer is the best option for a diabetic. They can carry it anywhere and monitor their blood glucose anytime. By gifting them a smart diabetes care gadget, you can help them control and manage diabetes effectively.

Eating Products

Eating right is also the most important thing for managing diabetes. Eating the right food for diabetes is best possible when planned in consultation with an expert nutritionist. So go ahead, gift them good health by gifting an appointment with a dietitian or a membership for healthy cooking classes.

Read More: Obesity and Diabetes in Kids: All You Need to Know

Achieving normal sugar levels is an easy task when monitored correctly with the glucometer and with mutual encouragement and support. So gift a diabetic friendly gift this Christmas and spread joys and happiness.

Consult BeatO’s health coach for free and control your diabetes. Download the BeatO app!
Check your blood sugar level with Beato Glucometer today.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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