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Decoding Diabetes and Homoeopathy

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Diabetes is a condition which requires a change in lifestyle, including diet, exercise, sleep, and others. However, in certain cases, medications are the sole way of managing sugar levels. While the allopathic medical system is commonly adopted by people living with diabetes and suggested by doctors, homoeopathy is an alternative medical system which is gaining popularity in treating diabetes. Therefore, diabetes and homoeopathy has been up for discussion.

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Though there are various homoeopathic remedies available for easy treatment of diabetes, it is still not easily recommended by health agencies as a treatment for diabetes or its symptoms. One of the primary reasons for this is that there is no substantial evidence to prove the effectiveness of homoeopathy in managing sugar levels. In addition to this, choosing homoeopathy results in following the treatment plan given by the doctor for a longer period.

On World Homoeopathy Day, we decipher everything about homoeopathy as an alternative medical system and the relationship between diabetes and homoeopathy.

Homoeopathic Remedies for Diabetics

Homoeopathic Remedies for Diabetics

All homoeopathic remedies for diabetes are made from plants, minerals, and in some cases, animals too. This is why they are considered as an ‘all-natural’ medical system and is given as the answer to the common question, ‘How to control diabetes naturally?’

The homoeopathy principle states that the therapeutic strength is increased when a substance is diluted. The natural substance in the remedy is diluted to an extent where the remedy only contains trace amounts of the substance. The remedies can be formulated in the following ways:

  • Sugar pellets
  • Drops
  • Tablets
  • ointments
  • Creams

The most common examples of homoeopathic remedies recommended to manage diabetes or prevent further complications are as follows:

  • Syzygium jambolanum or S. cumini (black plum) –Known to help in treating weakness, thirst, skin ulcers, and excessive urination (common symptoms of diabetes).
  • Uranium nitricum –Is recommended to efficiently control frequent/excessive urination, swelling, nausea, and burning with urination.
  • Conium (hemlock)– Treats numbness in the feet and hands as well as diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage).
  • Plumbum (lead) –Associated with reducing numbness or tickling feeling in the hands and feet, nerve pain, and tinnitus.
  • Calendula (marigold) –It is known for treating infected ulcers.
  • Phosphoric acid –Marketed as a remedy to treat impaired memory, heavy head, excessive urination especially during the night, hair loss, and erectile dysfunction. confusion or a heavy head.
  • Candida (yeast) – It is used fortreating yeast infections.
Do Diabetes and Homoeopathy work together?

Do Diabetes and Homoeopathy work together?

The homoeopathic remedies for diabetes are holistic in nature by taking the symptoms into consideration. In addition to this, this medical system also takes into account the physical constitution and symptoms of the mind. This is why a homoeopathic treatment is known to not just manage the sugar levels but also treat the root cause of a spike in blood sugar levels.
It also stimulates insulin secretion and helps in promoting insulin utilization by cells. Diabetes and Homoeopathy also work together as the latter aims to improve the overall well-being of the body, thus preventing the diabetic complications that can come in the way of a diabetic.

However, the debate around diabetes and homoeopathy is the little evidence to prove the effectiveness of this medical system to treat diabetes. Though it has been adopted by doctors and recommended to people living with diabetes, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness.

This is one of the reasons why health organizations do not recommend homoeopathic remedies without consulting your doctor or diabetes educator. Treatment with any form of medication must be supported by a healthy diet and regular exercise. Additionally, homoeopathy as a medical system is still unable to provide an alternative to insulin.

While Homoeopathy remains a controversial topic in medicine, a lot of people still believe in this medical system and want to get treated using these remedies. If you too want to treat your symptoms through homoeopathy, consult your doctor first and continue taking the medications prescribed by the doctor.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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