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Diabetes and Cheese | Is Cheese Suitable For Diabetics?


Cheese is the most commonly used ingredient in many households. It is delicious and also helps you in staying satiated. But can you eat cheese being a diabetic? Therefore, diabetes and cheese remains a commonly asked question.

Cheese is used in almost every continental and Italian dish. It is difficult to avoid it entirely. However, there are healthier and diabetes-friendly ways of enjoying your favourite dishes. Use diabetes friendly ingredients and cooking methods and also, do not exceed the recommended portion size.

Diabetes and cheese

Benefits of Cheese for people with Diabetes

Cheese is rich in calcium and also in protein. Let us understand a few other benefits of cheese-

Helps in managing your sugar levels

Cheese contains little or no carbohydrates and therefore, it has a low glycemic index. But this can vary for different varieties of cheese. You should always check the glycemic index of the food items you consume in order to ensure that they do not lead to a spike in your sugar levels.

Rich in protein

Cheese is rich in protein which is recommended for a diabetic diet. It also gives you a feeling of fullness and it can help you stay satiated for a longer duration. It will also help you avoid unhealthy foods.

Helps in avoiding the risk of Type 2 Diabetes

In a study conducted in 2012, it was proven that eating 2 slices of cheese in a day can help avoid the risk of Type 2 diabetes. If you have any doubts about how it can affect your sugar levels, you should always speak to your healthcare professional. They will give you the right guidance on what you can or cannot include in your diabetic diet.

Read More: Best Calcium-Rich Foods For Diabetics

Diabetes and Cheese | Risks Of Cheese For People With Diabetes

If cheese is not eaten in the right portion size, it can prove to be detrimental for diabetics. Here are some risks that are associated with cheese-

High In Fat And Calories

It is recommended that saturated fat should be eaten in moderation and that too from plant sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds, oils, etc.

Dairy Allergies Or Intolerance

Some people are intolerant of cheese and other dairy products. They should look for other sources of protein such as nuts. They need to contain an appropriate amount of protein as a part of their diabetic diet.

High In Sodium

People having diabetes should look out for the sodium present in food items. Sodium can lead to a high blood pressure which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. The sodium content of different cheeses can also vary.

Diabetes and Cheese | How To Eat Cheese?

You should avoid processed cheese at all costs. You should always opt for natural cheese which has a low sodium content. Feta and Edma cheese have a low sodium content. On the other hand, cheese such as mozzarella and Emmental have less sodium content.

As cheese has a low GI, they can be paired with foods which contain a high GI. You can enjoy it with snacks such as a mini pizza, apple, grain bread or vegetables.

You can include cheese as a part of your diabetic diet after consulting your doctor or health coach. If you feel unsure, you can do a quick sugar check after having it.

Regularly monitor your sugar levels and consume a healthy diet. Also, you should have a regular workout regime. All of these practices will keep your sugar levels under control.

Keep monitoring your sugar levels with BeatO.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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  1. Very informative

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