Easy Recipe for Delicious Kala Jamun Ice Cream - Diabetes Blog
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Easy Recipe for Delicious Kala Jamun Ice Cream

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kala jamun ice cream

Jamun is believed to have medicinal advantages when it comes to the treatment of diabetes. In the Ayurvedic and Unani medicinal systems, it is also used for digestive disorders. The leaves, seeds, and bark all are useful parts, among which the seeds are most popular for their anti-diabetic properties. Diabetic patients can consume Jamun fruit and seeds daily to control their sugar levels. We bring you the recipe for Kala Jamun Ice cream, which will help you manage your blood sugar levels while calming your taste buds at the same time.

Summer brings with it a sudden urge for the sweet treats that melt in our mouths. The icy and creamy delicacy that cools down our mind and body becomes essential to go on with the searing heat. Don’t let your diabetes stop you from savoring homemade Kala Jamun ice cream with the goodness of Jamun that certainly helps enhance insulin activity and sensitivity.

How to Make Kala Jamun Ice Cream

Kala jamun ice cream

Total Cook Time: 20 mins


  • 4 tbsp black Jamun pulp
  • 2 1/2 cups low-fat milk
  • 2 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tbsp sugar substitute


  1. Combine the cornflour and ½ cup of milk in a bowl; mix well and keep aside.
  2. Boil the remaining 2 cups of milk in a deep non-stick pan on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes while stirring occasionally.
  3. Add the cornflour-milk mixture, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 3 minutes while stirring continuously. Keep aside to cool completely.
  4. Once cooled, add the black Jamun pulp and sugar substitute and mix well.
  5. Pour the mixture into a shallow aluminium container. Cover with aluminium foil and freeze for 6 hours or until semi-set.
  6. Pour the mixture into a mixer and blend until smooth.
  7. Transfer the mixture back into the same aluminium shallow container. Cover with aluminium foil and freeze for approximately ten hours or until set.
  8. Scoop and serve immediately.

Read More: Best Ingredients for Diabetic-friendly Smoothies

Enjoy your sweet and tangy explosion of flavours without worrying about your blood sugar levels. You can also add dry fruits to it to make it more healthy and more delicious.

Visit our website and download the Beato app for more fun and healthy recipes. Also, it is always advisable to keep a glucometer handy to keep track of your sugar levels.

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