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Effects Of Diabetes on Your Body

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diabetes complications

Continuously high blood sugar, especially in case of diabetes type 2, leads to various health complications and directly affects the functions of vital organs like heart, kidney, liver and eyes along with nerves and veins. Let us try and understand the various effects of diabetes on your body.

Although diabetes complications take years to develop if the blood sugar levels are not maintained properly, these can be avoided by being proactive about managing blood glucose levels by taking regular readings, leading a healthy and active lifestyle, exercising daily and maintaining good cholesterol and blood pressure readings.

Effects of Diabetes – Everything You Need To Know

effects of diabetes on your body

Diabetes and Heart

Type 2 diabetes acts as a major contributing factor towards coronary heart disease. Since high blood sugar leads to increased blood pressure which also results in poorly controlled cholesterol levels, the risk of heart attacks gets increased.

Diabetes Affects the Eyes

Diabetes Affects the Eyes

A complication related to type 2 diabetes, known as diabetes retinopathy is increasingly becoming common among diabetics due to poorly managed blood sugars over a prolonged period of time. Damaging the veins and tiny blood vessels in the eyes,diabetes retinopathyis further complicated by high blood pressure.

Diabetes and it's Damage to Kidneys

Diabetes and it’s Damage to Kidneys

Kidney is the most affected organ following persistently high levels of blood glucose, blood pressure and even cholesterol. It must be diagnosed within time to be treated through lifestyle changes along with some medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Acting as the foundation of all body functions, our nerves get damaged due to lack of balance in blood sugar levels. Known as diabetic neuropathy, this complication is identified by the following symptoms:

• Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet

• Lack of arousal in the penis or clitoris

• Excessive sweating or

• Diagnosis of delayed stomach emptying

Read More : Diabetes and Cancer- Major Risk Factors and Early Care

Diabetes and Skin Problems

Diabetes and Skin Problems

The skin of a diabetic is affected mostly by nerve damage and circulation problems, caused again by fluctuating blood sugar levels. The symptoms include dry, patchy skin, slow healing of cuts, burns and wounds, fungal and bacterial infections and lack of sensation in the foot.

Diabetes management demands a healthy diet plan and active lifestyle. In order to control diabetes and lead a fit, healthy and active lifestyle, it is important for diabetics to consistently monitor their blood sugar levels using aglucometerand ensure to undergo health checkups for various organ related complications.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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