Categories: Nutrition And Food

12 Benefits Of Drinking Water


For many of us, drinking enough water is never a part of our daily checklist. Because we don’t consider it as important as other things in our lives, our body suffers silently due to the lack of sufficient water. As water is required for most bodily functions, water insufficiency can have a negative impact on our health. However, consuming the recommended amounts of water can keep the body healthy and functioning properly. 

On this note, let’s get straight to the health benefits of drinking water so you understand its importance and never miss an opportunity to grab a glass of water to keep you hydrated and healthy.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

In case you didn’t know, the human body is composed of 60% water, and blood plasma (the liquid component of blood) is 90% water. So, you can imagine the negative impact our bodies can have due to insufficient water intake. But if you are mindful and consume suggested amounts of water daily, your body will undoubtedly enjoy the following health benefits:

Healthy Joints

Water is essential to keep your joints strong and functioning. The body uses it to produce synovial fluid, which keeps our joints lubricated and protected. It also helps retain the shock-absorbing capacity of cartilage found in various joints in the body.

Adequate Mucus and Saliva Formation

Though it may appear so, mucus and saliva are not unnecessary secretions of the body. The mucus protects the lining of the respiratory tract and other systems of the body. Whereas saliva softens food, facilitates chewing, removes bacteria, and keeps the mouth healthy. As water is the main component of these secretions, you must ensure hydration throughout the day.

Better Body Temperature Regulation

Water helps regulate your body temperature and keeps it cool in hot environments. When the temperatures are high, the water present in the deeper layers of your skin comes to the surface as sweat and evaporates to bring down your body temperature. Having insufficient water in the body in hot conditions can dehydrate you and raise your body temperature to undesired levels.

Adequate Oxygen and Nutrient Supply

As stated earlier, blood plasma is 90% water. Having poor water content in your body may hinder the blood from supplying adequate amounts of oxygen, nutrients, and electrolytes to different body parts. An inadequate supply of these elements can cause a negative impact and limit the body’s capacity to grow and thrive.

Improved Skin Health

Good hydration levels are uncompromisable if you want to maintain healthy skin. Water helps keep the skin soft and supple. It fights signs of ageing and may boost collagen production. So, if you wish for healthy and radiant skin, don’t forget to carry and sip on your water-filled sipper during the day, no matter where you are.

Proper Digestion

Our body’s digestive system relies on water to work properly. It aids the digestion of food and prevents issues like acidity and stomach ulcers by regulating gastric acid in the stomach. Water also tackles constipation, a common problem people with low water intake face regularly.

Effective Removal of Waste and Toxins

Next in line on the list of benefits of drinking water is its ability to remove waste and toxins from the body. As water facilitates urination and bowel movements, it helps in the effective removal of unwanted substances. Water inadequacy can compromise the body’s waste removal process and increase its chances of developing urinary tract infections due to improper flushing of pathogens out of the urinary tract.

Protected Kidneys

People who drink less water are more likely to develop kidney stones. Their bodies do not have enough fluid to flush the kidneys and dissolve minerals like uric acid, which accumulates in the form of kidney stones. Ensuring good hydration levels protects the kidneys by ensuring proper elimination of harmful mineral crystals.

Enhanced Physical Performance

The processes involved in energy production are also influenced by the amount of water present in the body. Consuming less water may dwindle your energy levels and tire you easily. Less energy may impact your physical performance and keep you from doing your best.

Weight Loss Support

Water is great for weight loss, too! It improves metabolism, helping you burn more calories while performing physical activity. Plus, consuming water before meals gives you a sense of fullness and keeps you from overeating.

Headache and Hangover Relief

If you’re someone who gets frequent headaches, check your daily water intake. Dehydration may be the cause behind it. It has been found that drinking water and raising your hydration levels can help minimise headaches and provide relief. What’s more? Try having some water between drinks and right before bed if you want to save yourself from a hangover the next morning!

Better Cognitive Function

Water is also crucial for optimal brain function. Studies have concluded that even slight dehydration can alter mood and disturb concentration in individuals. Other issues like tiredness, anxiety, and diminished working memory may also surface due to a lack of water in the body.

How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?

A general recommendation is that men should drink around 3.7 litres of fluid per day, whereas women must aim for 2.7 litres. This includes water and fluid from other sources, like beverages and food.

However, these numbers are just for guidance, and your actual daily water requirement may vary based on your health, diet, activity levels, location, and environmental conditions.

To identify if you’re having enough fluids, including water, check the colour of your urine. If it’s clear and colourless, you’re probably drinking enough. 

Also, note how often you feel thirsty. Your body creates a sense of thirst if it needs water. So, if you don’t feel thirsty often, you may be already providing your body with adequate water. Maintain the intake regularly.


Water is as important as food to stay healthy and keep your body functioning properly. Dehydration, or not having enough water and fluids, can cause several health problems. However, consuming recommended quantities of it throughout the day can keep you hydrated and bestow you with the benefits of drinking water. So, make sure you keep a bottle of water with you all the time. Your health relies on this miraculous liquid.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. BeatoApp does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Akhil Taneja

Health & Wellness Connoisseur and Growth Marketing Expert, I am a passionate health enthusiast and an advocate for holistic health. With my expertise in tech and love for helping others achieve optimal well-being, I am delivering insightful content to help readers achieve their health and fitness goals.