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Hearing And Vision Problems? | Read This To Know About Wolfram Syndrome

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Wolfram Syndrome

It is rightly known that diabetes is a silent killer. Along with the disease, there also come some other long term as well as short term complications. There are some conditions associated with diabetes that are not widely known but they can have severe setbacks. One of them is Wolfram Syndrome.

Wolfram Syndrome occurs alongside childhood-dependent diabetes mellitus. This is an inherited condition and sensorineural hearing loss is a common symptom. This condition is also known as DIDMOAD which stands for Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy, and Deafness.

Mutations in the WFS1 gene can lead to Wolfram Syndrome. This gene regulates the production of the amount of calcium present in the cells. If these cells do not function properly, a lot of day-to-day functions of your body can be hampered.

Signs and Symptoms of Wolfram Syndrome 

Signs and Symptoms of Wolfram Syndrome

The symptoms of this condition can occur at various ages and at a different rate for different people. The following symptoms can be experienced by a person having Wolfram Syndrome-

  • Increased sugar levels resulting from shortage of insulin hormone
  • Progressive vision loss
  • Excessive urine production
  • Hearing loss
  • Neurological or psychiatric disorders

High sugar levels are the most common symptom of having Wolfram Syndrome. It can be rectified through insulin therapy. It develops around the age of 6 years. 70% of people who are diagnosed with Wolfram Syndrome have Diabetes Insipidus.

The diagnosis of this condition is quite difficult as it can be confused with similar conditions. But if you witness any of the above listed symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor and take the right medical guidance.

Treatment for Wolfram Syndrome

Treatment for Wolfram Syndrome

You need to manage the various aspects of this condition in order to treat Wolfram’s Syndrome. Patients who are suffering from hearing loss should be given cochlear aids and hearing aids. In case of diabetes mellitus, insulin therapy may be required. All of these patients should take an eye test too to gauge the severity of this condition.

As some people might also experience bladder dysfunction, it is advised that they go for a regular evaluation of their bladder. Some may even find it difficult to accommodate high and low temperatures and suitable arrangements would be required for such cases like air conditioning, heaters, etc.

Most important of all, one needs to make sure that a patient has the right psychological environment as they need to feel cared for and protected. A person may psychologically have a problem dealing with this condition and might feel stressed. Stress has a direct impact upon your sugar levels and therefore, attempts should be made to keep your stress levels under control.

Read More- Diabetic Retinopathy: Stages and Treatment

Tips To Control Diabetes

Along with controlling the symptoms of Wolfram Syndrome, it is also important that you keep your sugar levels under control. You can follow some easy and effective steps for this purpose- maintain a regular workout regime, eat a healthy diet, keep your stress levels under control, stay hydrated and most importantly, do not forget to check your sugar levels on a regular basis.

In case of any emergency, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor or health coach. They will give you the right recommendations that will help you keep your diabetes under control.

Stay happy and healthy with BeatO.

Author- Sakshi Poptani

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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