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Life Expectancy as a Diabetic

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life expectancy

How long can I expect to live with diabetes is a question that is very common in the diabetic world. Let’s learn about the average life expectancy of a diabetic.

Myth: Diabetes leads to death.

Fact: There are a number of factors that influence one’s life expectancy as a diabetic, regardless of whether they have type 1 diabetes or type 2. And no, not all diabetics die.

Though an interesting fact to note is that people who have type 1 diabetes have a shorter life expectancy. However, over the last couple of years this number has improved significantly with proper diabetes care and management.

What causes a shorter life expectancy in diabetics?

Like mentioned above, a number of factors contribute to shorter life and a few such factors are:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Kidney disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Higher blood sugar over a prolonged period
  • Higher blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels

All such factors contribute to poor circulation and further cause damage to organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves in particular.

In some cases, complications such as hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis can also be fatal.

However, there are steps you can take which can help to increase your likelihood of living longer.

life expectancy

The following factors can be helpful towards keeping healthy and living longer:

  • Attaining good blood sugar control
  • Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels in control
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight

Keep a regular check on your progress and make sure to follow a healthy diet along with all this.

Read More: Let’s Control Diabetes With These Tips

Some quick points for a healthier lifestyle:

  • A balanced diet with a high proportion of vegetables
  • Including physical activity daily
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Keeping alcohol intake to negligible

Maintaining good blood sugar control is a key way to prolong the length of your life.

It is highly recommended to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, a well-balanced diet and regular activity, in order to promote good blood circulation. Also make it a practice to keep your glucometer handy at all times for effective monitoring of blood sugar patterns.

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