There are many myths that have been commonly associated with diabetes. Even if you are not a diabetic, you can probably imagine how challenging it must be to live with a condition like this that requires such constant vigilance of your physical health. But one thing straight, diabetes is not the end of the world and we are going to put an end to some of the most commonly believed diabetes myths.
Read More: Diabetic Diet Plan for a Sportsperson
Throw out your non-verified glucometer and try the BeatO clinically approved smart glucometer kit. Check your blood sugar level instantly. Try out the BeatO diabetes care program for a more organized healthcare routine.
Looking for a seasoned diabetologist? Choose Dr. Navneet Agarwal, an expert with 25+ years of experience. His specialisation in diabetology and obesity management provides personalised care. Elevate your health with a doctor’s recommended glucometer, buy now.