Being a diabetic, you have to be vigilant about your diet and lifestyle. Watching what you eat and monitoring its effects on your sugar levels is necessary. Refined grains like white rice tends to cause spikes in your blood sugar levels shortly after consuming it. That is why, it is preferable for people with diabetes to consume complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains. They take significantly more time to digest, which results in a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.

White rice is high in carbohydrates and has a high starch content. One-third cup of rice equals 15g of carbs, which can prove dangerous for a person with diabetes. But this does not mean you cannot consume rice at all. Since rice is a staple food in India, it is advisable to replace your regular white rice with brown or red rice.
Alternatives to Eating Rice in Diabetes
- Red Rice

Red rice is the unhulled or partially hulled type of rice. It contains antioxidants that flush the toxins out of the body. Moreover, magnesium helps in controlling blood pressure, hence maintaining heart health. Also, vitamin A, E, C, and manganese in red rice help boost metabolism.
Also Read: How to Cook Starch-free Rice if you have Diabetes?
Most importantly, red rice’s low glycemic index value helps control blood sugar levels. The presence of high fiber content helps maintain your weight by giving you a feeling of satiety. It keeps you fuller for longer so that you do not experience random hunger pangs for snacks and junk foods. This eventually prevents the sudden spike in your blood sugar levels.
Brown Rice

Brown rice is prepared from paddy with only the outer husk removed. Hence, it has all its botanical components intact, making it rich in nutrients. It is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
Many studies have proven that brown rice helps lower the risk of obesity and metabolic syndromes. Moreover, brown rice has a lower glycemic index as compared to white rice, which makes it an ideal choice for diabetic patients. The glycemic index of white rice is above 70, whereas brown rice is only between 50-60. You can also add vegetables to the brown rice to make it an even healthier option.
Read More: Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes
People with diabetes can consume rice and do not have to give up on it completely. It is just about consuming the right kind of rice in moderation. Apart from proper diet, one should also invest their time in exercising regularly.
Controlling diabetes becomes easier by monitoring the daily carb intake and glycemic index score. Not tracking diabetes can lead to severe issues and health problems. Some of them are cardiovascular illness, damage to the kidney, or infections. So, it is recommended to get yourself a user-friendly glucometer. It will help you track your blood sugar levels and make changes in your lifestyle accordingly.
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