Lalit M.- “My sugar reading came down from 308 mg/dL to 139 mg/dL with BeatO.” - Diabetes Blog
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Lalit M.- “My sugar reading came down from 308 mg/dL to 139 mg/dL with BeatO.”

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Lalit kumar mukhija

Lalit Kumar Mukhija
70 years old, Delhi
Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Lalit Kumar Mukhija is 70 years old and lives in Delhi with his wife and two sons. He is retired chief bank manager of State Bank of India. He is a true example of how one can manage their diabetic condition at any age, if they have the right determination for it.

As a chief bank manager, I used to live a very tedious life. I used to commute between Delhi and Meerut everyday and followed a very packed schedule. I was travelling everyday for about 9 hours. Consequently, it led to a sedentary lifestyle.”

About a month back, I had started experiencing a glaring light in my eyes while driving. I went for a checkup with my eye specialist. My eye specialist suggested that my eye sight could be faulty because of the sugar level.”

My company conducts health checkups every once in a while and that’s when I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes. My sugar reading came out to be 384 mg/dL.

After knowing that he had a very high sugar level, he and his family felt very anxious. They consulted their doctor and he suggested that Mr Mukhija should monitor his sugar levels on a regular basis.

I got to know about BeatO through a TV advertisement. I decided to try it out and bought the Curv Glucometer.”

He started using the BeatO App in December 2021 and started incorporating all the changes as suggested by his health coach. He paid extra attention to his diet and lifestyle. He goes for a walk everyday to maintain his sugar levels. He tried to stay as stress-free as possible.

After incorporating all the changes, his sugar levels come down from 308 mg/dL to 139 mg/dL. He also feels more energetic now and can enjoy all his favourite activities with more enthusiasm now.

Read More – Vaibhav Gupta’s HbA1c level came down from 12.9% to 7.6%

Talking about his health coach, he says-

“I feel like someone is always there for me and they’re encouraging me and supporting me.”

He feels that his health coach played an important role in helping him improve his sugar levels. He got the right guidance on what he can and cannot include in his diet. He is also able to call them when he has to get a different diet for special occasions.

He loves to spend time with his friends and family. He likes to travel and also keeps exploring all the adventures that life has to offer.

My family was very supportive in my journey. They always help me out in arranging all the things that I require to keep my sugar levels under control.”

He loves to spend time with his friends and family. He likes to travel and also keeps exploring all the adventures that life has to offer. He also likes to meet his friends on a regular basis to keep the stress out of his life.

Diabetes can be managed at every age but it is important that the person diligently follows all the recommendations given by his health coach/ doctor. Also, it is crucial that they monitor their sugar levels on a regular basis.

Disclaimer:The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. BeatoApp does not claim responsibility for this information .

Dr. Navneet Agarwal is an established and highly skilled Diabetology with over 25 years of experience in Diabetology & Obesity. He is well-regarded for his quality and patient-centered diabetes care. Also, keep track of your blood sugar levels with a Doctors’ approved smart glucometer and elevate your healthcare routine.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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